This training course provides an overview of safe work practices when working with or around asbestos-containing materials. Learners will gain an understanding of what asbestos is and its common uses. The course covers the types of asbestos typically found in the workplace and asbestos-related illnesses. By the end of the course, learners will understand the importance of reporting potential asbestos-containing materials and what is required before conducting work around them.
Important Note:
This is an awareness course. Do not engage in work involving asbestos-containing materials unless you are qualified to do so.
Course Topics
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Laws & Regulations
- Asbestos Characteristics
- Asbestos-Related Illnesses
- Asbestos Hazards
- Hazard Control
Course Duration
This course will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
Pass Mark
The pass mark for the test is 80%, and you will have 2 attempts to pass.
Certification of Completion
A certificate will be available to print or download upon completion.