Ethics for the Safety Professional

TatongaStudio · 27 July 2024

Course Objectives

Upon completing this course, you will:

  • Be able to analyze the purpose of professional ethics as it applies to you.
  • Understand the relationship between psychological health, safety, and professional ethics.
  • Be able to describe and apply the expectations of a CRSP (Canadian Registered Safety Professional) and recognize similarities with other professions.
  • Be able to analyze ethical challenges based on proposed courses of action.
  • Be able to recognize when disclosure and whistleblowing are appropriate and how to act accordingly.
  1. Purpose of Professional Ethics
  2. Psychological Health & Safety and Professional Ethics
  3. Understanding the BCRSP Code of Conduct & Obligations
  4. Analyzing Ethical Challenges in Decision Making
  5. Whistleblowing
  6. Professional Conduct & Disciplinary Processes

Course Duration

Approximately 2 hours

Pass Mark

The pass mark for the course is 80%.

Certificate of Completion

A certificate of completion will be provided upon successful completion of the course.

About Instructor

+35 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson
  • 2 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate

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